This page contains hopefully growing list of publications, another good place to look would be my author page on Google Scholar. If you have any questions or find errors in my publications, feel free to drop me an e-mail.
- Iuliana-Elena Parasca, Andreas Lukas Rauter, Jack Roper, Aleksandar Rusinov, Guillaume Bouchard, Sebastian Riedel, Pontus Stenetorp. Defining Words with Words: Beyond the Distributional Hypothesis. In Association for Computational Linguistics ,Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Evaluating Vector-Space Representations for NLP ,pp. 122--126, pages 122-126, Berlin, Germany, August 2016. Association for Computational Linguistics.
- Theo Trouillon, Johannes Welbl, Sebastian Riedel, \'Eric Gaussier, Guillaume Bouchard. Complex Embeddings for Simple Link Prediction. In Proceedings of the 34 Annual International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), January 2016.
- Guillaume Bouchard, Pontus Stenetorp, Sebastian Riedel. Learning to Generate Textual Data. In Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), January 2016.
- Julien Perez, Guillaume Bouchard. Collective matrix factorization based user modeling in dialog systems. Novel Trends and Applications in Reinforcement Learning (NIPS 2014 Workshop), January 2015. Novel Trends and Applications in Reinforcement Learning (NIPS 2014 Workshop).
- Behrouz Behmardi, Cedric Archambeau, Guillaume Bouchard. Overlapping Trace Norms in Multi-View Learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:1404.6163, January 2015.
- G. Bouchard, B. Lakshminarayanan. Approximate Inference with the Variational Holder Bound. ArXiv e-prints, January 2015.
- Guillaume Bouchard, Sameer Singh, Theo Trouillon. On Approximate Reasoning Capabilities of Low-Rank Vector Spaces. Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Integrating Symbolic and Neural Approaches, AAAI Spring Symposium Series, January 2015.
- Guillaume Bouchard, Theo Trouillon, Julien Perez, Adrien Gaidon. Accelerating Stochastic Gradient Descent via Online Learning to Sample. CoRR, January 2015.
- Cedric Archambeau, Balaji Lakshminarayanan, Guillaume Bouchard. Latent IBP compound Dirichlet Allocation. Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence ,IEEE ,pp. 321-333, pages 321-333, January 2015. IEEE.
- Julien Perez, Guillaume Bouchard, Kyle Dent. Customer care dialog management, an inverse reinforcement learning approach. NIPS Workshop Novel Trends and Applications in Reinforcement Learning workshop, January 2014.
- Julien Perez, Guillaume Bouchard. Collective matrix factorization based user modeling in dialog systems. NIPS Workshop Novel Trends and Applications in Reinforcement Learning workshop, January 2014.
- Arto Klami, Guillaume Bouchard, Abhishek Tripathi. Group-sparse Embeddings in Collective Matrix Factorization. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Learning Representations, January 2014.
- Eric Frichot, Francois Mathieu, Theo Trouillon, Guillaume Bouchard, Olivier Francois. Fast and Efficient Estimation of Individual Ancestry Coefficients. Genetics ,pp. 110-113, pages 110-113, January 2014.
- Beyza Ermis, Guillaume Bouchard. Scalable Binary Tensor Factorization. In Proceedings of Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), January 2014.
- William Darling, Guillaume Bouchard. Fully Automated Opinion Summarization with Supervised Components and the Crowd. Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (to appear), January 2014.
- Behrouz Behmardi, Cedric Archambeau, Guillaume Bouchard. Overlapping Trace Norms in Multi-View Learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:1404.6163, January 2014.
- Cedric Archambeau, Balaji Lakshminarayanan, Guillaume Bouchard. Latent IBP compound Dirichlet Allocation. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence ,IEEE ,pp. 1, page 1, January 2014. IEEE.
- Dawei Yin, Shengbo Guo, Boris Chidlovskii, Brian D Davison, Cedric Archambeau, Guillaume Bouchard. Connecting comments and tags: improved modeling of social tagging systems. In ACM ,Proceedings of the sixth ACM international conference on Web search and data mining ,pp. 547-556, pages 547-556, January 2013. {ACM}.
- Anil Nelakanti, Cedric Archambeau, Julien Mairal, Francis Bach, Guillaume Bouchard. Structured penalties for log-linear language models. Association for Computational Linguistics ,EMNLP-Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing-2013 ,pp. 233-243, pages 233-243, January 2013. Association for Computational Linguistics.
- Michael Kaschesky, Pawel Sobkowicz, Jose Miguel Hernandez Lobato, Guillaume Bouchard, Cedric Archambeau, Nicolas Scharioth, Robert Manchin, Adrian Gschwend, Reinhard Riedl. Bringing Representativeness into Social Media Monitoring and Analysis. IEEE ,System Sciences (HICSS), 2013 46th Hawaii International Conference on ,pp. 2003-2012, pages 2003-2012, January 2013. {IEEE}.
- Eric Frichot, Sean D Schoville, Guillaume Bouchard, Olivier Francois. Testing for associations between loci and environmental gradients using latent factor mixed models. Molecular biology and evolution ,pp. 1687-1699, pages 1687-1699, January 2013.
- Eric Frichot, Sean Schoville, Guillaume Bouchard, Olivier Francois. LFMM version 1.2-Reference Manual. TIMC laboratory, La Tronche, France, January 2013. {TIMC} laboratory, La Tronche, France.
- Eric Frichot, Francois Mathieu, Theo Trouillon, Guillaume Bouchard, Olivier Francois. Fast Inference of Admixture Coefficients Using Sparse Non-negative Matrix Factorization Algorithms. , January 2013.
- William Darling, Cedric Archambeau, Shachar Mirkin, Guillaume Bouchard. Error Prediction with Partial Feedback. Springer ,Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases ,pp. 80-94, pages 80-94, January 2013. Springer.
- Guillaume Bouchard, Nadia Singh, Frederic Roulland. Tweets in the city: An analysis of when, where and what do we tweet in paris. Smart and Sustainable City 2013 (ICSSC 2013), IET International Conference on ,pp. 513--518, pages 513-518, January 2013.
- Guillaume Bouchard, Shengbo Guo, Dawei Yin. Convex Collective Matrix Factorization. In Carvalho, Carlos M. and Ravikumar, Pradeep ,Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics ,pp. 144-152, pages 144-152, January 2013. Carvalho, Carlos M. and Ravikumar, Pradeep.
- Onno Zoeter, Christopher R Dance, Mihajlo Grbovic, Shengbo Guo, Guillaume Bouchard. A General Noise Resolution Model for Parking Occupancy Sensors. 19th ITS World Congress, January 2012.
- Pawel Sobkowicz, Michael Kaschesky, Guillaume Bouchard. Opinion mining in social media: Modeling, simulating, and forecasting political opinions in the web. Government Information Quarterly ,pp. 470-479, pages 470-479, January 2012.
- Pawel Sobkowicz, Michael Kaschesky, Guillaume Bouchard. Opinion Formation in the Social Web: Agent-based Simulations of Opinion Convergence and Divergence in Sub-Communities. Agents and Data Mining Interaction ,pp. 288---303, pages 288--303, January 2012.
- Pawel Sobkowicz, Michael Kaschesky, Guillaume Bouchard. Opinion formation in the social web: agent-based simulations of opinion convergence and divergence. Springer Berlin Heidelberg ,Agents and data mining interaction ,pp. 288-303, pages 288-303, January 2012. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Matthias Seeger, Guillaume Bouchard. Fast variational Bayesian inference for non-conjugate matrix factorization models. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics ,pp. 1012-1018, pages 1012-1018, January 2012.
- Pascal Roux, Stephanie Depraz-Depland, Guillaume Bouchard, Frederic Roulland, Luis Ulloa, Pascal Valobra, Victor Ciriza. Fare Collection Data Analytics and Visualization for Public Transportation. 19th ITS World Congress, January 2012.
- Michael Kaschesky, Guillaume Bouchard, Stephane Gamard, Adrian Gschwend, Patrick Furrer, Reinhard Riedl. System Learning of User Interactions. In AMCIS 2012 Proceedings, January 2012.
- Michael Kaschesky, Adrian Gschwend, Guillaume Bouchard, Patrick Furrer, Stephane Gamard, Reinhard Riedl. Aid to regional development agencies: finding and matching research funding opportunities. In ACM ,Proceedings of the 13th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research ,pp. 2-10, pages 2-10, January 2012. {ACM}.
- Eric Frichot, Sean Schoville, Guillaume Bouchard, Olivier Francois. Landscape genomic tests for associations between loci and environmental gradients. , January 2012.
- Eric Frichot, Sean Schoville, Guillaume Bouchard, Olivier Francois. Correcting principal component maps for effects of spatial autocorrelation in population genetic data. Frontiers in genetics, January 2012.
- Marc Dymetman, Guillaume Bouchard, Simon Carter. The os* algorithm: a joint approach to exact optimization and sampling. arXiv preprint arXiv:1207.0742, January 2012. {arXiv} preprint {arXiv:1207.0742}.
- Marc Dymetman, Guillaume Bouchard, Simon Carter. Optimization and Sampling for NLP from a Unified Viewpoint. 24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics ,pp. 79, page 79, January 2012.
- Simon Carter, Marc Dymetman, Guillaume Bouchard. Exact sampling and decoding in high-order hidden Markov models. Association for Computational Linguistics ,EMNLP-Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing-2012 ,pp. 1125-1134, pages 1125-1134, January 2012. Association for Computational Linguistics.
- Guillaume Bouchard, William Darling, Stephane Clinchant, Arturo Mondragon, Cedric Archambeau. The FUPOL Project: Involving Citizens in Policy Design. Proceeding of the 10th International Conference on the Design of Cooperative Systems from research to practice, January 2012.
- Balaji Lakshminarayanan, Guillaume Bouchard, Cedric Archambeau. Robust bayesian matrix factorisation. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics ,pp. 425-433, pages 425-433, January 2011.
- Michael Kaschesky, Pawel Sobkowicz, Guillaume Bouchard. Opinion mining in social media: modeling, simulating, and visualizing political opinion formation in the web. In ACM ,Proceedings of the 12th Annual International Digital Government Research Conference: Digital Government Innovation in Challenging Times ,pp. 317-326, pages 317-326, January 2011. {ACM}.
- Benjamin V Hanrahan, Thiebaud Weksteen, Nicholas Kong, Gregorio Convertino, Guillaume Bouchard, Cedric Archambeau, Ed H Chi. Mail2Wiki: posting and curating Wiki content from email. In ACM ,Proceedings of the 16th international conference on Intelligent user interfaces ,pp. 441-442, pages 441-442, January 2011. {ACM}.
- Ben Hanrahan, Guillaume Bouchard, Gregorio Convertino, Thiebaud Weksteen, Nicholas Kong, Cedric Archambeau, Ed H Chi. Mail2wiki: low-cost sharing and early curation from email to wikis. In ACM ,Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Communities and Technologies ,pp. 98-107, pages 98-107, January 2011. {ACM}.
- S.G. Grivas, M. Schaaf, M. Kaschesky, G. Bouchard. Cloud-Based Event-Processing Architecture for Opinion Mining. Services (SERVICES), 2011 IEEE World Congress on ,pp. 272--279, pages 272-279, January 2011.
- G Bouchard, LR Ulloa, J-M Andreoli, V Ciriza, Onno Zoeter. User and device localization using probabilistic device log trilateration. IEEE ,Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP), 2011 IEEE International Workshop on ,pp. 1-6, pages 1-6, January 2011. {IEEE}.
- Guillaume Bouchard, Stephane Girard, Anatoli Iouditski, Alexander Nazin. Linear programming problems for frontier estimation. , January 2011.
- Mohammad Emtiyaz Khan, Benjamin M Marlin, Guillaume Bouchard, Kevin P Murphy. Variational bounds for mixed-data factor analysis.. NIPS ,pp. 1108-1116, pages 1108-1116, January 2010.
- Gabriela Csurka, Guillaume Bouchard, Marco Bressan. Spare Time Activity Sheets from Photo Albums. Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting, January 2010.
- Guillaume Bouchard. Named entity generation using sampling-based structured prediction. In Association for Computational Linguistics ,Proceedings of the 6th International Natural Language Generation Conference ,pp. 230-231, pages 230-231, January 2010. Association for Computational Linguistics.
- Guillaume Bouchard. Modeles hybrides generatifs-discriminatifs: theorie et applications. Journees MAS et Journee en l'honneur de Jacques Neveu, January 2010.
- Percy Liang, Francis R Bach, Guillaume Bouchard, Michael I Jordan. Asymptotically Optimal Regularization in Smooth Parametric Models.. NIPS ,pp. 1132-1140, pages 1132-1140, January 2009.
- Mohammad Emtiyaz Khan, Guillaume Bouchard. Variational EM Algorithms for Correlated Topic Models. , January 2009.
- Guillaume Bouchard, Onno Zoeter. Split variational inference. In ACM ,Proceedings of the 26th Annual International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) ,pp. 57-64, pages 57-64, January 2009. {ACM}.
- Guillaume Bouchard, Hal Daume III, Marc Dymetman, Yee Whye Teh. Workshop on Prior Knowledge for Text and Language Processing. , January 2008.
- Guillaume Bouchard, J-M Andreoli. Soft Failure Detection Using Factorial Hidden Markov Models. IEEE ,Machine Learning and Applications, 2007. ICMLA 2007. Sixth International Conference on ,pp. 160-165, pages 160-165, January 2007. {IEEE}.
- Guillaume Bouchard. Efficient bounds for the softmax function and applications to approximate inference in hybrid models. NIPS 2007 Workshop for Approximate Bayesian Inference in Continuous/Hybrid Systems, January 2007.
- Guillaume Bouchard. Bias-variance tradeoff in hybrid generative-discriminative models. IEEE ,Machine Learning and Applications, 2007. ICMLA 2007. Sixth International Conference on ,pp. 124-129, pages 124-129, January 2007. {IEEE}.
- Guillaume Bouchard, Gilles Celeux. Selection of generative models in classification. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on ,pp. 544-554, pages 544-554, January 2006.
- Guillaume Bouchard, Stephane Girard, Anatoli Iouditski, Alexander Nazin. Some linear programming methods for frontier estimation. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry ,pp. 175-185, pages 175-185, January 2005.
- Guillaume Bouchard, Bill Triggs. Hierarchical part-based visual object categorization. IEEE ,Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2005. CVPR ,pp. 710-715, pages 710-715, January 2005. {IEEE}.
- Guillaume Bouchard. Generative models in supervised statistical learning with applications to digital image categorization and structural reliability. , Universit\'{e} Joseph Fourier-Grenoble 1, January 2005.
- Jean-Marc Andreoli, Guillaume Bouchard. Probabilistic latent clustering of device usage. Springer ,Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis VI ,pp. 1-11, pages 1-11, January 2005. Springer.
- Guillaume Bouchard, Bill Triggs. The tradeoff between generative and discriminative classifiers. IASC International Symposium on Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT) ,pp. 721-728, pages {721-728}, January 2004.
- G Bouchard, G Celeux, F Billy, F Josse. Reactualisation Bayesienne d'un modele de degradation en fonction du retour d'experience. Proceeding of the Journees Francaises de Fiabilite, January 2004.
- Guillaume Bouchard, Stephane Girard, AB Iouditski, AV Nazin. Nonparametric frontier estimation by linear programming. Automation and Remote Control ,pp. 58-64, pages 58-64, January 2004.
- Guillaume Bouchard, Gilles Celeux. Model selection in supervised classification. In Proceedings of CLADAG 2004, January 2004.
- Guillaume Bouchard, Gilles Celeux. Supervised classification with spherical Gaussian mixtures. CLADAG meeting, January 2003.
- Guillaume Bouchard. Localised Mixtures of Experts for Mixture of Regressions. Springer ,Between Data Science and Applied Data Analysis ,pp. 155-164, pages 155-164, January 2003. Springer.